Are We All Screenagers? Challenging Assumptions with Hard DataBy: Zoey Sun, Sophia Xu, Jessica Ye, Kailani Hoang, and Janelle AhkitJan 231Jan 231
Understanding the S&P 500 Through Data AnalyticsAuthors: Aarnav Sarvaiya (Project Lead), Allen Chen, Sean Gee, Robin Murphy, Max XuJan 22Jan 22
Adult Loneliness: An Exploration of Potential Causes of This New EpidemicAuthors: Vidusha Adira (Project Lead), Jessica Yao, Kelly Cheng, Jessica GuanJan 21Jan 21
Skin-tuition: Unmasking Skincare SecretsJunying Li (Project Lead), Olivia Nguyen, Qiyang Chen, Rachel SzetoJan 17Jan 17
Article Title: Buckets and Breakdowns: Inside the Numbers of NBA Shooting Performance”Authors: Ryan So(project lead), Song Chen, Isaac Yu, Preston Gao, Aadi MalaviyaJan 161Jan 161
Craving a Sweet Treat? Think Again…Authors: Audrey Huang, Brian Kim, Kevin Espinas, Joshua Sujo, Henry ZhaoJan 156Jan 156
Tracing Humanity in Final Moments: An Analysis on Death Row FarewellsAuthors: Stella Koh (Project Lead), Deshna Govil, Leah Shin, May Nicole Cagulada, Aarya KhanaJan 14Jan 14
Behind the Sarcasm: Exploring Sentiment in The OfficeAuthors: Maddy Yip, Georgia Sherr, Adya Ganti, Michelle Sun, Daniel SongJan 135Jan 135
What’s in a Good Read: Why Books do Well on Goodreads and the NYT Bestsellers ListAuthors: Nikhil Dewitt (Lead), Peter Wang, Angelina Yang, Shaina GroverJan 10Jan 10
What does Crime in Los Angeles City Look Like?Authors: Aarnav Sarvaiya (Project Lead), Jessup Byun, Junze He, Jocelyn Cheung, Varsha RayasamJul 5, 2024Jul 5, 2024